Also known as the Ouray County Historical Society Research Center, our Archives are full of fascinating documents, images, and publications. We are the proud custodians of these materials and can provide research services for a nominal fee.
The Ouray County Historical Society Research Center is comprised of three major components: Photo Archives, Paper Archives, and the Libraries.
The Research Center contains over 25,000 documents; over 8,000 photographs and a 10,000-book library titled "The W. Ross Moore Mining History Library of the American West."
The Research Center can be visited by appointment only.
Call 970-325-4576 to schedule an appointment.
Ouray County Archives
Open Up the Archives
Photograph Archives
We are fortunate to be the custodians of over 8000 photographs of local people, places and past times. These treasured records provide a literal glimpse into Ouray County's past. We maintain a list of family photographs, you can access that list here.
Ross Moore Library
The Library contains more than 10,000 volumes on the history of mining, geology, and the southwestern United States. Researchers from various parts of the USA are already using the library. The publication dates range from 1875 – 2021. Access the library index here.
How to Access The Archives
The Research Center can be visited by appointment only. Call 970-325-4576 to schedule an appointment. All those interested in conducting research in our archives or museum must read and adhere to our Research Policy Statement click below to access the policy.
Research Services
We are pleased to offer research services. Our experts take on research projects for a fee, these fees help us maintain the archives and museum, and are an important source of revenue for the Society. Your can request research services and get information about fees by access the information and form linked below.
How To Find The Research Center
The Ouray County Historical Society Research Center, which houses our archives is located in the heart of the City of Ouray, at 22 Main Street, Ouray.
Free parking is available on Main Street, in front of, or near the Research Center.